No Ankle Left Unturned

Last Wednesday was a perfect day in State College. The temperature was in the upper 60s, the sun was shining, and the HUB lawn was covered with students studying, playing volleyball, and enjoying themselves despite their stresses. Realizing that I too wanted to get involved in the festivities,  I gathered my books and a freshly popped bag of popcorn and made my way to the Atherton Courtyard. On my way down the stairs, I heard my stomach growl. I hadn't eaten all day, so I decided to open my bag of popcorn. This was my first mistake.

As I was opening the popcorn, I missed a step and fell to my demise. To top it off, I heard a loud thundering crack from my ankle. I started laughing because of course, it would be me who would fall down the stairs because I was THAT hungry that I couldn't wait to open my bag of popcorn. I'm just happy no one was there to see me because I actually would have died of embarrassment.

Picture of woman falling from Google

Once I was able to stand up by gripping to the stair rails for dear life, I hobbled to the courtyard and laid in the grass. I called my mother for advice; she is an emergency room nurse, so I thought she could heal me through the phone. Sadly, she could only heal me emotionally, so I brushed it off like I was fine. I'm a semi-tough cookie, but I busted my butt and that would be painful for anyone.

Long story short, my ankle is the size of a grapefruit.  I am not sure if it is sprained, but I refuse to go to UHS. Working out at the gym did not seem like the best option for me, so I decided I would just take the week off.


I realized that my blog is about funny stories of me working out.  What could be funnier than working out with a sprained ankle?  I googled how to workout with a hurt ankle and found some interesting results. This video seemed okay, so I followed her workout.

Basically, I think this workout made my ankle hurt even more.

The woman in the video is named Caroline, and she was so bubbly and peppy it hurt. She did different moves that didn't require me to be on my feet. However, most of the workouts required me to be on my knees, which on a dorm room floor hurts like hell. Each move worked out the muscles in my butt and my arms, which I was not prepared for.

After doing leg circles, pushups on my knees, and "in-out, up-downs", I was so tired. I thought this workout would be easy and chill, considering that I was avoiding using an entire appendage.


I think she made it more intense just so it could prove that despite being injured, the human body can still be healthy.


  1. I give you a lot of credit for still wanting to workout while injured. In the beginning of healing I always enjoy my family and friends catering to me while I was hurt. However, my mother only had little sympathy for me and would still make me do small chores while I was on crutches. I also hate that period where you are so not used to working out where you need to make it apart of your routine again.

  2. I kind of want to try this workout out! Hahaha. Also, please go to CVS and get an ankle rap and some ice!!!!!! Then you'll be better in no time, working out again!

    1. You're ankle is the size of Jupiter! You need ice and rest!

  3. I always disliked YouTube videos encouraging workouts at home. See, in these videos, these instructors have all the right conditions to make for a comfortable atmosphere in which do exercise. Like you said, doing pushups on the floor of a dorm room is absolutely terrible. One time, I tried to do planks on the floor, and my forearms were so red from carpet burn that I couldn't even hold a plank for another 10 seconds. I do hope your ankle shows some improvement soon, Natalie!!


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