Friends Don't Let Friends Skip Leg Day

Leg day is infamous in the world of gym-goers. Essentially it is the worst day ever. The trials and tribulations of leg day are awful, but what is even worse is that not participating in leg day is just as bad as leg day itself. If you skip leg day, everyone makes fun of you and mocks your so-called "chicken legs". Unfortunately, I have skipped A LOT of leg days recently, and it has been detrimental. Leg Day Meme from Google However, I am not alone in my sorrow and remorse in the death of my leg muscles. My best friend/roommate, Caitlin, is having a similar issue. She looked at her legs in the mirror and said "OH HELL NO!" So she wanted to tag along to the gym with me. Also, Emily (whom you all know and love) came to the gym too because friends do not let friends skip leg day . No friend of mine will be left behind. I decided to wear shorts to the gym so that I could see my leg progress in action. However, that required a quick shave because my legs were st...