I Study Medicine (Balls)

My whole life, I've always wanted to go off to medical school and become a doctor. With that comes A LOT of studying. Matter of fact, I just finished my last chemistry midterm, and it was definitely a challenge. Thankfully, I only cried twice. (That's a new record!)

Picture of Baby Crying from Google
After the emotionally and mentally draining exam, my BFF Ava and I decided we needed some gym therapy. When we got there, our eyes were immediately drawn to a contraption in the center of the gym floor. This large machine had different compartments included in it, like a large rope, kettlebells, a pull-up bar, medicine balls, and TRX bands.

Ava thought it would be a good idea to try the TRX bands first. These bands are hanging suspended from the compartment and you can use them to perform different exercises on different parts of the body. We chose to do legs. Ava demonstrated for me how to use it. You put your hands on the floor, like in a push-up position and then place your feet inside the opening on the bands. Using your upper body strength, you can either do a push-up or an inward crunch.

Picture of Woman Demonstrating TRX Bands from Google

Of course, Ava did this with ease. Going from 10 solid push-ups to 10 crunches in seconds. When it was my turn to go, I couldn't even get my feet into the bands without Ava's help. Then when I tried to do a push-up, I basically collapsed with my feet still hanging in the air. Somehow I was able to balance myself and do the inward crunch. I was shaking like a chihuahua and I could not feel my arms afterward.

Then we decided to utilize the medicine balls. In high school, I used to do medicine ball workouts all the time with my track team. We decided to pick 4 different kinds of medicine ball workouts; squats, chest passes. bounce passes, and sit-ups.
Woman Squatting from Google

We were tossing the ball back and forth and squatting as we caught the medicine ball. I didn't realize that doing that many squats were going to make my butt hurt so much the next day. But it's worth it for the booty.

Then, we did bounce passes. Basically, you just take the medicine ball and slam it into the ground to your partner. All I had to do was pretend I was smashing it into my ex-boyfriend's face and it made it a little bit easier.

Next, we did chest passes. My wrists started to hurt from passing the medicine ball so hard back and forth. I felt like Troy Bolton in High School Musical when he's playing basketball with his fellow Wildcats.

Finally, we got on the floor and started doing sit-ups with the medicine balls. Every time we came up from the sit up, we sat up and threw the balls at each other. That was probably the most skilled thing I've ever done. At that point,  Ava and I were actually dying. So, we decided to call it quits and go home. Gym therapy was great. Even though studying medicine is NO FUN, studying medicine balls is!

Picture of Medicine Balls from Google


  1. Hi, Nat! I loved this post. I want to try the new contraption in White also! It seems really hard lol, but also a really fun experience. Let's all go together sometime!!!
    Catch 814 squad at the gym soon!

  2. Love this blog! I usually try to do squats with medicine balls but I always get really nervous at the gym. Mostly because I'm afraid people are looking at me while I do it and I'm doing it wrong where I look stupid. Also if I'm in leggings I feel like super exposed. I'm probably going to just stick to squats in my dorm.

  3. Natalie, I was wondering what the new contraption in the White Building was going to be used for! I took a small siesta from the gym because they took away the space for my ab mat (I'm still pretty salty). I think working out with a friend is the best way to do it, and these partner medicine ball workouts sound like a lot of fun. Maybe my roommate and I will try it out!


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